Enhancing the Blog Reader Example.

In the Live docs you might have read about Retrieve and Display Data. Here I’ve enhanced the same MXML by the following The LinkButton hidden until the datagrid change event is fired. Enabled the Data Tips for ‘Posts’ column to show tool tips text on...

Sending Arrays with offset Index.

Last time we saw the problem with sending ActionScipt 3 Associative Array. Now we let us see where associative arrays can help. Lets Make an Array with offset index in PHP: $arr =array(5=>5); in ActionScript: var arr:Array= []; arr[5]=5; Sending these arrays either...

Understanding AMF0 and AS3 Array.

You might have already read about Array oddity in AMFPHP/Flex 2. AS3 Associative Arrays, when sent through AMF0 they include ‘length’ propery. But numeric index based Arrays are fine. I’ve created the following AMFPHP Service to showcase this issue....

Introducing ObjectStore.

What is ObjectStore? Object Store is a service for creating, managing and accessing objects on the server. It is a light weight alternative to keeping XML data on the server. How do we compare ObjectStore with RemoteSharedObject? ObjectStore is similar to...