XMLHighlighter generates color highlighted pretty printed HTML code for the given XML document, I have ported it from ActionScript 2 to ActionScript 3.

Here is what I learned during the process

  • XML object in ActionScript 3 is different (It is ECMAScript for XML (E4X)).
  • For backward compatibility we have XMLDocument class which is equalent to XML in Actionscript 3.
  • In ActionScript 3 we need to keep the class inside Package container.

I replaced all “XML” to “XMLDocument” from the source, Moved my XMLHighlighter class inside blank Package, renamed it as XMLDocumentHighlighter. That’s all.

Here is the resulting class with usage example

[cc lang=”actionscript3″] /* ************************************************************ Developed by R.Arul Kumaran [[email protected]] * for more code keep visiting [www.shockwave-india.com/blog] * ************************************************************ version 1.0 Last updated on 4 July, 2006 */ /* XMLHighlighter for ActionScript3 generates color highlighted pretty printed HTML code */ package { import flash.xml.* class XMLDocumentHighlighter { public static var useCDATA : Boolean = true; //_c: color string list private static var _c : Object = { tag : ‘0000FF’, att : ‘FF0000’, txt : ‘000000’, tgt : ‘990000’ }; //_fTag: get font begin tag private static function _fTag (clr : String, content : String) { return “” + content; } // _tf: font tag close string private static var _tf : String = ““; // public function public static function highlight (x : XMLDocument) : String { //var x:XML; var ignoreWhite = x.ignoreWhite; var s : String = _fTag (_c.tag, ”); x.ignoreWhite = true; if (x.nodeName == undefined) { if (x.xmlDecl != undefined) { s += x.createTextNode (x.xmlDecl) + ‘r’; } if (x.docTypeDecl != undefined) { s += x.createTextNode (x.docTypeDecl) + ‘r’; } s += _getHStr (x.firstChild, ”, ”); } else { s += _getHStr (x, ”, ”); } x.ignoreWhite = ignoreWhite; return “

" + s + _tf + "

“; } private static function _getHStr (x, tab : String, r : String) : String { var s : String = ”; switch (x.nodeType) { //TEXT_NODE case 3 : //Is it a CDATA Node? var xt : String = x.toString (); if (useCDATA && (x.nodeValue.indexOf (‘<') != - 1 || x.nodeValue.indexOf ('>‘) != – 1)) { s = “<![CDATA[” + _fTag (_c.txt, ‘‘ + xt + ‘‘) + _tf + “]]>”; } else { s = _fTag (_c.txt, ‘‘ + xt.split (‘&’).join (‘&’) + ‘‘) + _tf; } break; //ELEMENT_NODE case 1 : default : s = r + tab + ‘<‘ + _fTag (_c.tgt, x.nodeName) + _tf; for (var v in x.attributes) { s += _fTag (_c.tgt, ” ” + v) + _tf + “="” + _fTag (_c.att, x.attributes [v]) + _tf + “"”; } if (x.firstChild == null) { s += “/>”; } else { s += “>” + _getHStr (x.firstChild, tab + “t”, “r”); if (x.lastChild.nodeType == 3) { s += “</”; } else { s += ‘r’ + tab + “</”; } s += _fTag (_c.tgt, x.nodeName) + _tf + “>”; } } if (x.nextSibling != null) { s += _getHStr (x.nextSibling, tab, r); } return s; } } } /* //Usage:- //copy this as file to the same folder as your FLA //Usage Example: var my_xml:XMLDocument=new XMLDocument(‘‘); trace(XMLDocumentHighlighter.highlight(my_xml));

//trace output :


*/ [/cc]