by admin | Jul 12, 2005 | Uncategorized
XML Shortcuts component is tested and approved by Macromedia. Now you can download it from Macromedia Exchange
by admin | Jul 12, 2005 | Uncategorized
It all started like this. I’ve created a Flash MX 04 component, with proper documentation. When I wanted to talk about that component on the web, I had to re-format the help document to put it on the web. Then I decided to make a flash page that renders the...
by admin | Jul 12, 2005 | Uncategorized
Here you can download the second version of XMLShortcuts component which helps to access XMLNodes easily. Refer to Online Help document below for more info <a href=”/HelpPanel/?target=XMLShortcuts” target=”_blank”>XMLShortcuts...
by admin | Jun 27, 2005 | Uncategorized
I’m already working on version 2 of this XMLNode easy access component. It will give better performance than the previous version. It will have two components, XMLShortcuts Lite and XMLShortcuts Pro. Both provide the same functionality. XMLShortcuts Lite is...
by admin | Jun 15, 2005 | Uncategorized
The XMLShortcuts component enables shortcut access to All XML nodes. Biggest advantage of using XML shortcuts is it can be easily added to existing projects with out any modification. Simply drag and drop the component from components window to the stage and then...
by admin | Jun 13, 2005 | Uncategorized
If you hate accessing XMLNodes using myXML.firstChild.childNodes[3] approach, there are already couple of other approaches to deal with. Before getting to know my new approach lets examine the other possibilities. What do you think? Will XML Shortcuts component...
by admin | Jun 11, 2005 | Uncategorized
To better organize my blog, I’ve added a new section called actionscript2, all the AS2 class files will be placed here for download. I will also convert some of my as1 functions into as2 class files and place them here
by admin | Jun 8, 2005 | Uncategorized
Lets explore how we can hide nodes beyond the predefined depth from rendering in tree. Before hiding the text nodes, the tree looks like this (as per Example 1) with this XML Start with a blank FLA, add a tree component to stage, name it “tree”, add a text...
by admin | Jun 7, 2005 | Uncategorized
Lets explore how we can hide text nodes from rendering in tree. Before hiding the text nodes, the tree looks like this (as per Example 1) with this XML Start with a blank FLA, add a tree component to stage, name it “tree”, add a text area component name it...
by admin | Jun 6, 2005 | Uncategorized
I’ve modified my Color Syntax Extractor to include XML for Igor’s Flash Syntax Highlighter, which is a flash based synctax highlighter for actionscript. You can download the tool from here! [0.9mb]