XML and V2 Tree Example 3: Tree Search.

Lets enhance the last example by adding search functionality. We need a function that will return the matching nodes as an array. The following function does that for us. Add it to the timeline. [cc lang=”actionscript3″]function isMatch (s, s2) { return s...

Where Flash MX 2004 fails to render Unicode.

Unicode text includes bidirectional text, text that requires contextual shaping, and text with combining characters. Unicode text cannot be rendered with traditional one-code-point to one-glyph rendering; it requires analysis and processing of runs of text. Currently...

New RIA Interface for my blog.

Quick Blog Viewer v3 is a Flash based RIA for my blog. Now you can keep track of the posts easily, find out what is new since your last visit, flag your favorite posts. It’s interface should explain how. Check it out at blog/quickview Don’t forget to right...

Quick Blog Viewer version 3.0 released.

I’m very happy to launch Quick Blog Viewer version 3.0, It is Mail Client kind of interface for my blog. It is also a show case of what we can do in flash using XML, localSharedObject, Flash MX 04 Components, and CellRenderer API. Have a look and Kindly pass on...

XML and V2 Tree Example 2: Open/Close All.

Lets enhance the last example by adding two buttons to open and close all tree nodes Add the following code to the first frame [cc lang=”actionscript3″]function openOrCloseAll (x, open:Boolean) { if (tree.getIsBranch (x)) { tree.setIsOpen (x, open, false,...

XML and V2 Tree Example 1.

Rendering XML using Tree component is very simple, because in Flash MX 2004, V2 Tree component is based on XML. Lets explore the possible ways to visualize sample.xml in the coming examples. Create a new document in Flash MX 04, drag and drop a tree component and name...

I’m back again.

I always thought I will be more productive (on my blog) when I’m alone. But I’m wrong this time. I couldn’t do much when my family was away. Now they are back and I’m also back in this blog 🙂 Meanwhile my comment boxes were spamed. So...

Actionscript Syntax Highlighting with SE|PY Editor v.

SE|PY has become my favorite actionscript editor these days. It’s default color highlighting scheme is very different from Flash IDE. So I’ve modified it to syntax highlight similar to my actionscript highlighting service 2 and exported the settings using...

PriorityQueue Class

Brandan Hall wrote the PriorityQueue (pQueue) class in “Object Oriented Programming with ActionScript” published by New Riders. I’ve converted that class to ActionScript 2 which you may download from here.