by admin | Oct 8, 2002 | Blog, Bug, Flash MX
Darshan is building his next version of slideshow component and this problem is bugging him now. I found out one workaround yesterday. When the mask movieclip made open (instead of keeping it with a closed hole) even with a hairline gap makes the mask work properly....
by admin | Oct 6, 2002 | Blog, Bug, Flash MX
Darshan pointed out about this problem to me, I also checked. If you use a movieclip with a hollow interior as the mask it does not mask correctly, via actionscript or otherwise. However plain fills with hollow interiors work.
by admin | Sep 28, 2002 | Blog, Bug, Flash MX
Beware that auto formatting eats your actionscript some times !!! See the following code for (var i = 0; i<5; i++) { if (i == 2) { continue; } trace(i); //traces 0, 1, 3, 4 (skips 2) } If you apply Auto Format to the code it becomes for (var i = 0; i<5; i++) {...